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Quest Templar. Mystical legend

By 7quests (Kyiv)

  • Players2 – 8
  • Time70 min
  • Price from 800 UAH
  • Difficulty
  • ScarinessNot scary
  • Age10+
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Hydropark subway station Prospekt Brovarskoy, 10 A ()

Exit from Hydropark subway station to the left, go past the Hydrozone complex and turn right, walk another 70 meters. Muay Thai fight club nearby

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Wi-Fi: true

Parking: есть бесплатная парковка

Waiting room: гостевая зона отсутствует, есть зона для проведения праздника, рассчитана на 20 человек


Almost from its inception, the Templar Order was surrounded by mysterious and mystical legends. Most of which was related to the fact that the order occupied the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for a long time. There were rumors of relics that members of the order could find there, such as the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, or fragments of the real cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. There were even more legends about the riches hidden by the Templars...


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The cost of the game for a team of 2 to 4 people is from 800 to 900 hryvnia. Surcharge for an additional player - 200 hryvnia

We do not charge a commission for booking a game on the site from the players. If you were given feedback in the quest, please write to us at [email protected]

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