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Action Game Lasertag[Квест закрыт]

By Cheetah (Kyiv)

  • Players6 – 15
  • Time60 min
  • Price за человекаfrom 300 UAH
  • DifficultyNo puzzles
  • ScarinessNot scary
  • Age6+
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Pirnovo village ()

after the sign "Pirnovo" after 600 meters turn right and go along the paved road to the T-junction. Then turn right and at the next T-junction turn right. Go straight along Partizanskaya street about 1 km to the camouflage fence on the right. Through the main gate to the club grounds and to the parking lot

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Attention! This format is not a classic quest in reality.

Laser tag (from the English. Laser - laser, and tag - label) - laser battle, which is a military-tactical, sports game, where the “weapon” is a mockup. Despite the fact that the game is played using mock-ups, each shooting model is as close as possible to the original in terms of weight and appearance. The only difference is that the shooting is carried out with laser beams, which are absolutely safe for players. The enemy is hit if the beam hits the sensors that are put on the body and head of the players.


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The cost of the game for one player is 300 hryvnia

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