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Role-playing Quest Verona Massacre

By Questoria (Kyiv)

  • Players8 – 18
  • Time120 min
  • Price from 5500 UAH
  • Difficulty
  • ScarinessNot scary
  • Age18+
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3 reviews by players authenticated via email or social networks.


Kyiv ()

the venue depends on the schedule, check with the organizer for details

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Wi-Fi: false

Parking: no

Waiting room: no


Pay attention! The role-playing quest is not a classic quest in reality. There is an exit scenario.

Middle Ages. Italy. City of Verona.

Since ancient times, the virtuous princes of Grandi, endowed with divine healing power, ruled here. Their main treasure was a magical amulet, the secret of which was inherited. But grief shook the blessed land. The prince died on a bear hunt. Taking advantage of this, the wealthy Moretti family seized power in the city. They stormed the palace and killed the young heir to the throne. However, his younger brother managed to escape and save the magical amulet. For protection, he turned to the noble family of Ariosto. In payment, they asked for an amulet, and the boy gave it. Moretti did not dare to start a big war.

Since then, 100 years have passed.

The Grandi family has preserved the divine gift of healing and the love of the common people. The Moretti princes wear a crown, but people remember who the crown belongs to. Today, Romano Grandi, a direct descendant of the rulers of antiquity, marries a girl from the Ariosto family. All the nobility of Verona gathered in the country castle of Grandi. After the arrival of the guests, the gates were locked and the bridge raised.


Photo taken from a third-party resource


The cost of the game for a team of 8 to 10 people is from 5500 to 27000 hryvnia. Surcharge for an additional player - from 500 to 2500 hryvnia

We do not charge a commission for booking a game on the site from the players. If you were given feedback in the quest, please write to us at [email protected]

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